49. The Man in the Arena

The Canadian Money Roadmap

The Man In The Arena

June 29, 2022

Evan Neufeld, CFP®

After two years, I think it is time to say hello and tell my story of why I started this podcast.  

I've always been inspired by Teddy Roosevelt's speech about the value of being the "man in the arena" which highlights the risk takers over the critics and the people who try to create something of value despite imperfection.  So starting this podcast was my version of sticking my neck out to try to bring value to people despite being a young financial planner and having no experience in audio or content production of any kind.

Podcasting is hard and kind of scary sometimes but it is also a lot of fun.  Based on the feedback I've received about how the podcast has improved people's financial lives, it has totally been worth the effort and the risk. Mistakes, voice cracks, vision changes etc. have all been part of the process of building this podcast but I appreciate each and every one of you for listening and sharing with your friends.

More to come!


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